Miss Cuteson’s Class

An educational supplies case study.

Miss Cuteson’s Class is a small shop selling ridiculously charming handcrafted Montessori learning materials, boredom-killing adventure kits and sensory development aids. It needed an identity that stood out from the crowd.

Miss Cuteson’s Class was started by Eva Knutson, a Montessori teacher, and got its name from how one of her students pronounced her name. It didn’t hurt that she’d just given birth to a cute son, too. Sometimes the perfect name just falls into your lap.

There are countless companies selling Montessori supplies out there. During the research phase of this project, we discovered almost all of them had very serious identities. They looked like textbook supply companies with identities aimed right at the cold, dead hearts of the accountants at large educational institutions. But the target market for Miss Cuteson’s Class wasn’t educational institutions. It was parents of small children. Parents around the world who’d suddenly been tasked with teaching their kids at home during the pandemic. Or just parents who know that learning doesn’t end when the school bell rings. And Miss Cuteson’s Class makes and sells learning tools that children love. Fun activities that sneak education in, like a parent sneaking healthy ingredients into delicious snacks. Kids don’t even realize they’re learning. Clearly, the kids themselves should be part of the target audience of the identity.

This presented a great opportunity to stand out from the crowd.

A lot of child-focused identities out there try to look like they were designed by children. Crayon logos. Comic Sans. But children have more sophisticated tastes than we often realize, and are drawn to beautiful design just like adults. So we decided to draw our inspiration from parallel fields—children’s cartoons and children’s book publishing.

Here’s some of what we created.

Full-color logo

Full-color logo with shading

Single-color logo

Animated logo

Logo cut out of felt

The most important question for any logo design: but does it cake?

Brand typography

“Working with Lester was a pleasure from start to finish. Professional, friendly and enormously talented. I can't wait to work with him again!”

—Eva Knutson, Miss Cuteson’s Class

Lesterco is a one-person identity design agency. This is just a small glimpse of what I can do for you. Like what you see? Get in touch today!